Шлемът против безредици служи като жизненоважна част от защитната екипировка, специално проектирана да издържа и смекчава въздействието на снаряди, травми с тъпа сила и други потенциални опасности, срещани по време на сценарии за контрол на безредици и управление на тълпата. Изработен от здрави материали като...
Защо каските за борба с безредиците имат козирки?
Riot helmets are designed with visors for several important reasons, each serving a specific purpose in the context of riot control and public safety. Here are some detailed explanations for why riot helmets have visors:
Protection from projectiles and ...
Как се успокоява бунт?
Calming a riot is a complex and challenging task that requires a strategic and multi-faceted approach. Here are some general steps and strategies that can be employed to help calm a riot:
1. **Communication and Dialogue**:
- **Engage with community leaders...
Какво е полицейски колан ?
A police duty belt is a specially designed belt worn by law enforcement officers to carry various equipment and tools essential for their duties. This belt typically holds items such as a firearm, handcuffs, baton, pepper spray, radio, flashlight, and other necessary ...
Какъв е коланът, използван от полицейските служители?
Police officers typically wear a duty belt, also known as a duty rig or gun belt. This belt is designed to carry essential equipment and tools that officers need while on duty. Some common items found on a police officer's duty belt include:
1. Fi...